terça-feira, 13 de setembro de 2011

Poemas que continuam salvando minha vida: "This world", de Robert Creeley

Robert Creeley

O sol insiste e ergue-se, a manhã insiste e retorna, os olhos insistem em sua gangorra, o corpo insiste e acorda-o, o alívio e o martírio dependem de mudanças quase imperceptíveis nas circunstâncias dos dias, abro as cortinas e sussurro: "let light // as air / be relief", do poema "This world", de Robert Creeley.

This World
Robert Creeley

If night’s the harder,
closer time, days
come. The morning
opens with light

at the window.
Then, as now, sun
climbs in blue sky.
At noon

on the beach
I could watch
these glittering
waves forever,

follow their sound
deep into mind
and echoes –
let light

as air
be relief.
The wind
pulls at face

and hands,
grows cold. What
can one think –
the beach

is myriad stone.
Clouds pass,
grey undersides,
white clusters

of air, all
air. Water
moves at the edges,
blue, green,

white twists
of foam.
What then
will be lost,

matters as one
in this world?

extraído do livro Later (1975).


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